Embarked in ‘Winniped, The Ship of Hope’! International animated co- production will bring more Diego Navarro’s original music

Diego Navarro has been booked one more time to be the official composer of an animated feature. Navarro is enlisted in the crew of ‘Winnipeg, The Ship of Hope’, a Spanish, French and Chilean co-production directed by Elio Quiroga (The Dark Hour) and executive producer Toni Marín. Based on the graphic novel by Laura Martel, awarded with the special edition of Liga de la Animación Iberoamericana and will be part of the next Annecy Festival Film Market.

‘Winnipeg, The Ship of Hope’ tells the odyssey of 2,400 Spanish refugees on the run from the Civil War who embark to cross the Atlantic ocean looking forward to starting a new life in Chile. The leader of this initiative was Chilean poet Pablo Neruda along with his wife, Delia del Carril. The plot is focused in those dark times when thousands of people were forced to flee from their home country to save themselves from the Spanish civil war, being relocated in refugee settlements.

The movie is expected to premiere in 2023.